Chapter 1 - Marriage?


Deep sigh.

That was the only thing I could do at the moment while looking at the man sitting in front of me, smirking. I just hate him so much. That disgusting smirk of his makes me wanna puke. I rolled my eyes and focused on my food which was still kept as it was when it arrived.

"We have important things to discuss with you two!"

I heard his dad say taking my full attention. Important? I see. I glanced at the man sitting in front of me still smirking while taking a sip from his wine glass. Damn, his Adam's apple looks sexy while he gulps it. What the heck! Jhanvi! He is the man you hate the most, shut your dirty mind up.

I shook my head and got my eyes back on uncle who cleared his throat to gain his son's attention which he still didn't get. Rude bitch. He always acts like this with his parents. While they both are as sweet as honey. I just love both of them. After his biological mom's death, Aunty never leaves any chance to love him like her real son but he doesn't value it.


He has always been so rude towards her and uncle which I hate the most. I don't get why he has to be this glacier-hearted towards her. Of course, he was glacier-hearted for the whole world.

Yuvraj fucking-glacier-hearted Sing Oberoi.

The man whom I hate from the core of my heart.

"Attention here kids!" We turned our attention towards my dad now who just took a deep breath. What is going on? What is the 'important' thing they wanna discuss? We usually don't get this serious while having dinners together but today the air was thicker.

"We want to turn our years of friendship into family." I frowned. What does that mean? We were no less than a family so what is it left now? Legal documents? Then go to the court, no?

"So who's stopping you guys Dad? Go, do the legalities in the court if such exists." I said munching my food finally as they gave me a 'Are you serious' look to which I shrugged off my shoulders. I felt that bastard shaking his head at me. What?

How dare he !

"Jhanvi, you are not getting our point," Dad says, sighing at my words. I sipped onto my wine and raised a brow at him, "Then explain it thoroughly Dad. Clear words." I say as my attention is on my food again. I am hungry but the man in front of me makes me lose my appetite every single time. That is how much I hate him. So fucking much.

"We want you and Raj to marry each other."

That's it, I choked hard on my food. My heartbeat raised its speed while my throat felt suffocated because of the food that got stuck. He chuckled and Mom passed me a glass of water which I gulped in one go. "Careful, beta!" Mom says while patting on my back to ease my chock.

My widened eyes meet his not-so-interested ones. What the fuck? Is he normal with those words? No reaction? But there is no way I am going to get married to this man. in no fucking way he is going to be my husband. NO ABSOLUTE FUCKING WAY.

Stomping the spoon on the table, I stood up while looking at my dad with a shocked face to which he just shook his head. Is he for real? No one has any reaction to this? Not even bhai? Looking towards him, I saw him focusing on his food more than on the conversation. Is he really my brother? Fucker no. 2.ย 

"What did you just say?"

I roared at my dad who gave me an un-serious look. "You and Raj, getting married?" He repeats his words with a shrug. What the hell is this behavior?

"And who told you that I will agree to this?"

I snorted, angrily.

"You will, eventually, princess."

He said as if knowing me so well.

I have been doing everything they have wanted me to do since childhood but this? No way I am going to marry this man.

"No, I will not, dad."

I exclaimed while crossing my hands around my chest. "And what if I say you have to, for our company?" I stopped for a moment. Giving me a 'how could you do this' look, I sighed.

"Dad, you cannot involve our business in this!"

I angrily said while now cupping my waist. Yuvraj fucking-glacier-hearted Singh Oberoi didn't even say a word but that dirty smirk on his face was still dancing there. I wanna punch on his not-so-beautiful face right here.

"Jhanu, I know you both hate each other but please at least consider this discussion of ours. Maybe you both can change your relationship because of this marriage?" I heard Radhika aunty's voice making me sigh. "But aunty-'' I was cut off by his voice. "I am fine with whatever you guys want." My eyes widened at his decision. Why the fuck he is behaving like this?

Since when this fucker became obedient? Something is cooking in his trash can, I mean his brain. I passed him a glare while settling on my seat back. Now mom will lecture me because of him, again. Because of this glacier man, my mom has always been lecturing me because of how obedient and punctual he is. How he used to attend school daily while only we, bhai, Yuvaan, and I knew how much he used to bunk the classes. I want to choke him to death.

I wish I had the power to do so. My eyes were busy shooting daggers at his fierce ones who were staring at mine, deeply. I gulped and looked away. Gosh, his gaze does something to me that makes me feel weird all the time. His cold eyes always had me feeling weird inside my stomach which I try to ignore.

"I don't wanna think about it nor am I gonna marry this man!"

I said while looking at my father who gave me a serious look now which I shrugged. I won't. Never. Even if he is the last man alive on this planet, I would never marry him. Anyone but him.

"Then your CEO place will be given to a married person."

My dad's voice made me snap my head towards him. What the actual fuck? When did this happen? "One second, when did this happen dad? It's not mandatory to be married to have the CEO post, i am more than capable and you know it then why?" I snorted while clutching on my dress now. They really can't do this. I have worked day and night to have this position in Dad's company.

"The management along with the directors have decided this. Looking after the upcoming responsibility, a married person will be the most capable of handling the company. That will define how responsible and careful that person is. "

He explained while taking a bite of his food. I scoffed. These people really are a pain in the ass.

"So you doubt my capability, dad?" I gave him a look of disbelief. He sighed and shook his head while making eye contact with me. His eyes held the seriousness of a few minutes ago.

"No one is doubting your capability darling. It's just this is the best opportunity for you as well as our company. If you guys marry each other, both companies will have a ton of profits and that is beneficial. "

He said. Well, he isn't wrong. If it's about our company's betterment then it's the right decision but what about our personal life? I cannot manage with his glacier-hearted personality now then how will I manage it after our alliance? No way I can deal with this fucker's ass.

He is too annoying. He will annoy me to the death after our marriage and I cannot live with him. Sleep in the same room. Bath in the same washroom as him. Live under the same rooftop with him. No fucking way.

But I don't wanna lose my CEO's position either. What should I do? Oh god, why me? The more I hate this man, the more situations grab us together, why? Can't I live in peace? I sighed, deeply. Even Bhai isn't helping me today. I looked towards Bhai and found him raising a brow at me. I made a begging face but it didn't have any effect on him.

Of course, he is taking his best friend's side more than his sister's. I hate you ansh bhai.

"I will think about it. I need time."

I said I had no other option. I have to think about some idea or else I will have to spend my whole life with his glacial man. I cannot ruin my life with him. I will never.

"24 hours. 24 hours is all that you have to tell your decision, princess." Dad said making me look at him with a 'Are you FUCKING serious?' look. Like really Dad? Now you set a timer on my decision? Really because of this glacier?

"Okayyyyy fineee!" I said in a whiny voice and pouted irritatingly. My family becomes his whenever he is around. Even Bhai takes his side. I hate them. Especially this fucker. Bloody manipulator. Diplomatic bitch.


Finally, our families discussed the marriage matter. I was fucking waiting for them to touch on this topic and they did. I wanted to smile like crazy but controlled myself. The annoying expression on her face made me laugh, almost. I pressed my lips together to avoid it.

and about Why Adhyansh wasn't saying anything is because he knows how crazily in love I am with his little bunny sister. She is like a drug which makes me go crazy. Her every expression, her every action gets me crazy. I just fucking love this woman so much and now no matter what I am gonna make her mine. All mine.

By hook or by crook, I will make her mine. Her deer eyes which were glaring at me were making my heart go wild. Even her glares were cute to me. She is just a small bunny. My deer-eyed bunny.

Since our childhood, we have been fighting, cursing each other, annoying each other, and whatnot but I never realized when the hate between us turned into love, turned into an obsession for her, to me? I never realized but every single thing she did, started affecting me. So fucking much.

And as we grew up, I realized my feelings for her but continued to annoy the shit outta her. I love it when her attention is on me. I love it when it's me who annoys her and gets that expression. I love it when her keen deer eyes glare at me with the small pout on her rosy lips.

Even though I have to control the urge to kiss the shit outta her when she pouts. It's becoming hard for me day by day. With each passing day, my heart just beats more and more for her. To have her near it. To feel her heart near it. My heart just craves to cage her near it forever. Humesha.

She was this small when I first saw her. She was in Kashish Auntyโ€™s arms, nibbling on her little thumb and looking at the new environment with her doe eyes. She looked cute. That was when I first talked to her. Jhanvi, the name was suggested by me and ansh for her. We both were just 5-year-old toddlers then.ย  The day and Ansh were determined to protect our little princess with whatever it took.

After her, Yuvi was born. My little devil for whom I am ready to go to any extent. He is practically my stepbrother but I had always adored him, loved him, and cared for him like my biological one. The hate inside my heart for my stepmother and my father didn't have anything to do with the little boy who brought light into my life.

They both were the bundle of joy that brought the families closer than they already were. And we four became the squad which no one could compete. In the school, everyone was always jealous about us being this close but it didn't affect us or our bond. We were still the same and even stronger.

She has always been hating me for being demanding and scolding her for things that might hurt her. My intentions weren't to hurt her or anything but I just couldn't bear her tears. She has always had a special place in my heart and like that eventually, we grew and the mere feelings in my heart for her too grew with us. And now, I cannot let her go away from me. Even if I have to kidnap her and keep her with me forever, I will.

Call me psycho or anything but that is how much I love her. Beyond the moon and beyond any words that can be expressed. My love, my feelings, and my obsession with this little bunny cannot be expressed in words. It never will be enough to describe how crazily, deeply, obsessively, and immensely I am in love with her.

In my case, I never fell in love but I was raised in her love.ย 

They always say 'I fell in love' but a person in love always rises. That love makes the person become someone better. That love makes the person grow higher with it. And the same was with me,

My love for her made me a better man. She is the reason behind the Yuvraj Singh Oberoi, the CEO of Oberoi COs. She is the reason I became the man no other girl can have. I want her to have a man which, no other girl can have, but her. It should be only her who should deserve me and it should be only her whom I deserve.ย  No one else has that right. I won't let anyone have it.

If not us, then no one. If not her, for me, then no one. If not me, for her, then no one. I will burn every person coming between us. I will burn this world if it tears us apart. I will fucking burn everything that drifts us apart.

She is my little obsession and only mine, no one else dares to touch her.

No one dares to have what is meant to be Yuvraj Singh Oberoiโ€™s. I fucking get what I want. I fucking get it my way. No matter what it takes me, I get what I desire, I get what I want. What's meant for Yuvraj Singh Oberoi, will be Yuvraj Singh Oberoi's.

My little deer bunny will be mine. Soon. She will soon be Mrs. Yuvraj Singh Oberoi and I will ensure it happens.

Mrs. Jhanvi yuvraj singh Oberoi.

It will be happening soon.


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